Thursday, August 9, 2012

Setiap ujian, pasti ada hikmahnya

exam fasa 3 dah habis.

guru2 bertungkus lumus nk menanda kertas priksa..

tp, nak tanda pon rasa stress..cikgu pulak yg stress..
as information, soalan akan masuk ikut silibus buku ringkasan.
Jadi follow je pe org yg dah experience ckp..

One day, exam tajwid.
Suddenly , all topic from chapter 1 until mad faraq chapter enter.
So, my students cannot do well in their exam.

They are stress. I also.
Then, I called ustazah Erin to ask her about it.
sha says that she forgot to tell me..
I become tension. Why she not tell me early
Make me weak.
Mark their paper not good as well.

Only 4 students pass their exam.
The others fail..
What should I do??

I also marking paper tajwid year 6.
Same happen.
Only 4 students pass..the others, hrm...

But,the making me happy
because of result year 4..
even 6 person fail
totally my class is more students than year 5 and 6.

Ya Alllah, give me a strength to face this problem
to tell their class teacher..
why this happen

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Ilmu itu UmpaMa Nur...

"Barangsiapa yg bljr ilmu quran besar harga dirinya,brgsiapa yg bljr ilmu hadis tinggi martabatnya,brgsiapa yg bljr ilmu bahasa lembut hatinya,brgsiapa bljr ilmu hisab tajam pemikirannya & brgsiapa yg tak memelihara diri,sia2lah ilmunya"Imam Syafie

bak kate kwn sy,,

x salah kalau seorang posmen baca buku bertajuk hukum hidraulik & termodinamik,seorang hakim baca kitab perubatan ibnu sina,seorang arkitek baca buku perundangan , seorang doktor menyelidiki ilmu geologi, atau mungkin ustazah belajar tntg ilmu pengemudian pesawat!!...